Table of contents:

3 VERY unusual tablets for endless drawing
3 VERY unusual tablets for endless drawing

On Aquaboard, Lightboard and Magboard you will draw with water, light and magnets. The finished drawings will quickly disappear, and you can create again.

3 VERY unusual tablets for endless drawing
3 VERY unusual tablets for endless drawing

1. "Aquaboard" - a tablet for drawing with water

"Aquaboard" - a tablet for drawing with water
"Aquaboard" - a tablet for drawing with water

On this Zen tablet, you paint with a wet brush. The drawing disappears after a few minutes and your canvas is clean again. A good way to deal with anger or anxiety: throw out all the anger on the drawing, freed yourself from the negativity, and the image evaporated, reminding you that everything in this world is fleeting and bad things also go away.

A tablet is also suitable for those who are used to drawing during the thought process.

Some craftsmen make other gadgets on the basis of "Aquaboard". Look, for example, at the coolest watch:

2. "Lightboard" - a tablet for drawing with light

"Lightboard" - a tablet for drawing with light
"Lightboard" - a tablet for drawing with light

This board is based on a similar concept of transience. The kit includes a special pencil flashlight, stencils and the tablet itself with a special surface. Drawings appear when you move on the board with the included "pencil" (you don't even need to touch the surface), and after a while they disappear. The image can last for a maximum of 20 minutes. The darker the room, the brighter the picture will glow.

3. Magboard - a tablet for drawing with magnets

Magboard - drawing tablet with magnets
Magboard - drawing tablet with magnets

Unlike previous tablets, magnetic is simpler and leaves less room for creativity. If a pacifying water tablet can also be gifted to an adult, then Magboard was clearly created for children. This is a board with holes from which metal elements stretch to a special pencil, creating a simple schematic picture.
