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Where I Look For Inspiration
Where I Look For Inspiration

I can't say if there is such a term as inspiration at all. However, I have several ways that help me come up with something new. Hope they help you too.

Where I Look For Inspiration
Where I Look For Inspiration

Finding inspiration is a very interesting thing. On the one hand, many say that they cannot do creative work until a muse comes to them; others say that inspiration is overrated and you just need to sit down (stand, lie down) and do. I am more inclined towards the second option.

And yet there are ways that allow me to reach the state where I succeed and want to do something new. I don't know if this can be called an inspiration, perhaps yes. And if so, here they are.


I love both listening and writing music. Sometimes, after especially productive hours with a guitar in my hands, I realize that I am just gushing with ideas. The main thing is to have a notebook or computer nearby to write it all down, as I forget everything very quickly. Tell me I'm not the only one!


Long ago I set myself the goal of sitting down and writing every day. Even if you don't want to, even if there is no inspiration. And here's what's interesting: even if I don't have inspiration and I sit down to write, ideas still appear over time. Therefore, even if you do not feel the strength and desire to do something, sit down and do it. "Inspiration" will come.


Surprisingly, as soon as I go to bed, an ideological monster immediately wakes up in me. Very often in the middle of the night I open my phone and write down what comes to my mind. Almost always this is complete nonsense, but sometimes worthwhile ideas come across. Therefore, do not disdain any thought and always have a notebook or phone at hand for writing.

Someone else's ideas

Steal like an artist! There is a lot of truth in this phrase. Whatever we do: write music, poetry, create new things (hello, Apple) - all this is based on what has already been created. Simply put, we steal other people's ideas and remake them in our own way. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with looking for inspiration in other people's work.

Conversations with people

Very often, in a conversation with loved ones or friends, new ideas arise that would hardly come to you in any other situation. Each of us thinks differently, use this for your own benefit! Look for communication and the result will surprise you. Or maybe it won't surprise you. You won't know until you try.

This is how I look for "inspiration." I still write this word in quotation marks because I'm not sure if the state it describes exists at all. However, how do you find inspiration and what do you do for this?
