How to learn English by drawing
How to learn English by drawing

This method will work with other languages too.

How to learn English by drawing: an unusual way to memorize new words
How to learn English by drawing: an unusual way to memorize new words

A new interesting thread has appeared on Twitter. In it, renowned illustrator Chilik talks about a method that helped him learn new words in English.

Over the past ten years, I have sat down a hundred times to study English vocabulary and somehow nothing. The situation worsened with age. I resigned myself and decided that everything, I was already over 25, and after 25 the brain rejects everything new.

But there was a way out!

Once I ended up in Istanbul and decided that I needed to learn Turkish numerals in order to bargain more convincingly in the markets.

Then I remembered how, at school, I learned alternating vowels in the roots zor / zar, clone / clan, creator / creature, gor / gar.

In the comments, readers suggested a couple of learning paths that helped them master English.

This, by the way, really helps a lot. For a couple of years I did almost nothing for the language, except watching simple serials with Russian subwoofers, and suddenly realized that I could watch with English subwoofers and understand the context quite comfortably.

How I learned English:

- buy a pirate Nancy Drew.

- go crazy with a promtovsky translation.

- return the English version.

Congratulations, you are now in the world of spoken English, encyclopedic knowledge and unusual idioms.

What methods help you learn new languages? Share your tips in the comments!
