10 simple folk life hacks that may surprise
10 simple folk life hacks that may surprise

Do you know how to save space in a small closet with a tin can?

10 popular life hacks that will surely surprise you
10 popular life hacks that will surely surprise you

A fresh collection of useful tips and unusual ideas from netizens. Many of these life hacks have become a real discovery for some.

1. Here, for example, is a tip that will help you pour paint from a can as accurately as possible, leaving no marks even on the can itself. All you need is duct tape.

2. To carry pizza boxes in a regular plastic bag, you need to make several cutouts in it.

simple life hacks
simple life hacks

3. And this life hack was hidden in plain sight for a long time - with a knife for peeling vegetables, the peel can be cut off both with movements towards yourself and away from yourself. This significantly speeds up the process, but it still does not work with every knife.

4. Use a fork to grate small pieces of vegetables or fruits. This will eliminate the risk of injury to your fingers or nails on the teeth.

simple life hacks
simple life hacks

5. Chopsticks will help you warm up two plates at once in the microwave. The main thing is that they are not made of metal.

simple life hacks
simple life hacks

6. And here's how to make a mask that will fit your face very tightly. You will need a sleeve from an old T-shirt and some kind of rope, elastic, or something similar. To increase the effectiveness of such protection, you can use a stocking.

7. To save space in a small cabinet, the eyelet from the tin can will allow. With its help, you can hang one hanger with clothes on another, distributing things at different heights. This will allow you to fit more clothes into the closet and, for example, combine several wardrobe items that you always wear together.

simple life hacks
simple life hacks

8. If you have kids who are very fond of glitter, stock up on rollers with adhesive tape - they are great for cleaning surfaces from small particles.

how to remove sequins
how to remove sequins

9. You can quickly peel a mango with a glass. Although, you can use a tablespoon according to the same principle.

10. How to transport indoor flowers in the back so that they do not fall while driving? A stepladder can help here, but you need to correctly place the pots so that the flowers are not damaged.
