Table of contents:

How to recognize peritonitis in time and not die
How to recognize peritonitis in time and not die

This condition requires immediate medical attention.

How to recognize peritonitis in time and not die
How to recognize peritonitis in time and not die

Peritonitis Peritonitis. Symptoms and Causes are inflammation of the peritoneum, the thin membrane that covers the internal organs and the stomach from the inside. It begins if bacteria, which should not be there, have got into the abdominal cavity for some reason.

The inflammation develops quickly and, if not stopped in time, can lead to blood poisoning. This means that pathogens will enter the bloodstream and spread to all organs and tissues, including the heart, lungs, and brain.

This condition is deadly, therefore, at the slightest suspicion of peritonitis, you should immediately contact the ambulance at 103 or the rescue service at 112.

What are the symptoms of peritonitis

The body reacts sharply to inflammation of the peritoneum, so a serious deterioration in well-being will be obvious. A key symptom is sharp abdominal pain that gets worse with movement or touch.

Often the patient takes a characteristic forced posture Peritonitis: on the side, with the legs pressed to the stomach.

Other symptoms of Peritonitis may vary from person to person, but the most common symptoms are:

  • Temperature rise (over 38 ° C). In some cases, the temperature, on the other hand, drops to 36 ° C and below.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Bloating.
  • Great constipation and inability to pass gas.
  • Difficulty urinating: very little urine comes out.
  • Intense thirst.
  • Breathing problems, shortness of breath.
  • Severe weakness up to clouding of consciousness.
  • Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia). Resting heart rate exceeds 90 beats per minute.
  • Low blood pressure.

To suspect peritonitis, two of the listed symptoms are enough in addition to the key symptom.

Also 103 or 112 should be dialed if Peritonitis. Symptoms and Causes Abdominal pain is so severe that you cannot sit still or find a comfortable position, or it is after an injury.

Where does peritonitis come from?

Most often, it is caused by a rupture or perforation (the appearance of a hole in the wall) of one of the abdominal organs. Here are some of the common causes of Peritonitis. Symptoms and Causes of peritonitis:

  • Appendicitis. This is the name of the inflammation and the subsequent rupture of the appendix, as a result of which the bacteria contained in this process of the cecum enter the abdominal cavity.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Diverticulitis In many Diverticulitis people, especially over 40 years of age, bulges form on the walls of the colon - diverticula. Sometimes they become inflamed (a process called diverticulitis) and can rupture, allowing the contents of the colon, including bacteria, to end up in the abdomen.
  • Pancreatitis Inflammation of the pancreas, complicated by infection, sometimes causes bacteria to spread outside the gland.
  • Necrosis of a part of the intestine with an umbilical hernia.
  • Abdominal trauma. A severe blow or penetrating wound can rupture internal organs and subsequently inflame the peritoneum.
  • Certain medical procedures. For example, kidney dialysis or surgery that was performed in a hygienic manner.

How to treat peritonitis

Only in the hospital.

Symptoms of peritoneal inflammation are similar to those of other diseases. Peritonitis, such as lower lobe pneumonia, pleurisy, ascites, pseudoperitonitis (sometimes found in diabetes mellitus). Therefore, before prescribing treatment, the doctor will find out if this is exactly peritonitis. The physician will examine, feel the abdomen (sometimes it hurts), and prescribe several tests for Peritonitis. Diagnosis and Treatment to be done immediately. These may include:

  • Blood test. With its help, the level of inflammation markers - leukocytes is determined. Also, in laboratory conditions, pathogenic bacteria can be detected in the blood and sepsis can be established if it has begun.
  • X-ray or ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Sometimes computed tomography (CT) is prescribed - this is a more accurate and detailed study.
  • Analysis of the peritoneal fluid. Using a fine needle, your doctor will take a sample of fluid from your abdomen to look for markers of inflammation and identify the specific bacteria that cause peritonitis.

If the patient is very ill, he immediately Peritonitis, without waiting for the test results, will undergo a surgical operation to find and eliminate the cause of the pain. However, the operation in any case cannot be avoided.

The standard treatment for peritonitis includes three main points.

1. Antibiotics

First, while there are no test results, the patient is injected with one of the broad-spectrum antibiotics. This is a necessary part of the preparation for the operation.

Later, when doctors find out which bacteria caused the inflammation, the patient will be prescribed a drug that is most effective against specific microorganisms.

How long you need to take the medicine depends on the severity of the condition and the characteristics of the patient's body.

2. Surgical intervention

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon's job is to remove the infected tissue and cleanse the abdominal cavity of fluid and bacteria.

3. Other medicines and procedures

Which ones - depends on the patient's condition. Almost everyone needs pain relievers. You will also have to lie under a dropper and put enemas. In some cases, oxygen therapy (breathing air with an increased concentration of oxygen) and blood transfusion may be required.
