Wishlist: how to organize the perfect vacation
Wishlist: how to organize the perfect vacation

What is needed to organize a good vacation? Desire, free time and budget. Diana Romanovskaya, writer and author of the project, will tell you how to determine your own and other people's preferences and choose the option that suits everyone, if you plan to spend a vacation with your family or friends.

Wishlist: how to organize the perfect vacation
Wishlist: how to organize the perfect vacation

Perhaps you have already thought everything out carefully, all that remains is to get on the plane and go on your dream vacation. But maybe the plans haven't been made yet? Then first of all ask the question: "What kind of vacation do I want, what is good for me?" Not for the neighbor of Aunt Klava, who relaxes perfectly, weeding the beds with cucumbers in the country. And not for Pasha's friend, who considers an all-inclusive hotel to be paradise on earth with its first line, abundant food and evening entertainment. And not for the editor of a glossy magazine that praises the latest beach trends and trendy vacation spots. Namely for you.

Ask yourself:

  1. What do you like?
  2. What are you dreaming about?
  3. What do you expect from your vacation?

Consider this important information when organizing your holiday.

But we are not alone at home. There is also family, friends, their interests and desires. We have to take this into account when planning a joint vacation. Ask everyone who is traveling with you to fill out the questionnaire. If your desires and interests do not coincide and even contradict each other, do not be alarmed. We are all different, but that doesn't stop us from having a good time together.

Do not force others to do what they are not interested in, and do not dissolve yourself in other people's desires.

You can almost always find a way to do what you love without harming others. The best way is to negotiate. And to do it so that everyone wins. Compromise is a powerful tool, especially when you know what to offer and what options to choose from.

Wishlist - the main planning assistant

So, why do you need to fill out a questionnaire:

  1. To understand what kind of vacation you really want.
  2. To understand what kind of vacation your loved ones really want.
  3. To see how far apart you are in your desires.

Most people rest the way their habits dictate to them, examples of friends and acquaintances, advertising brochures and managers of travel companies. And with a huge number of opportunities, we are walking the same hackneyed road.

As a result, both our everyday life and our vacation turn into Groundhog Day, when yesterday is like tomorrow, and a two-week vacation this summer is a copy of a two-week vacation last summer.

A week after such a vacation, there is a feeling that there was no rest at all. And again in a circle: fatigue, dissatisfaction and melancholy.

Thanks to the questionnaire, you will understand what you really want, what you expect from your vacation. The questionnaire consists of five items. There is a circle under each question, divided into four sectors. Each sector contains options. Find the sector that is closer to you.

Take a piece of paper and a pen. Draw a circle, divide it into four parts and mark yourself in the desired sector. Add a bold point and write your name. If more than one sector suits you, check in each. If something causes a negative in you, you do not like it, absolutely do not accept it, do not want it, put a cross in this sector and write your name.

1. Perfect relaxation

Find your place in one of the four sectors. And then repeat the same for each member of your company.

Wishlist: how to organize the perfect vacation
Wishlist: how to organize the perfect vacation

For example, let's take a family of three: dad, mom and child. We find a place for everyone.

Wishlist: how to organize the perfect vacation
Wishlist: how to organize the perfect vacation

Dad, mom and child were in the same sector. This is great! It is easier to plan if the tastes, preferences and expectations of all members of the company coincide. It is clear that in this case you need to go where life is raging, there is something to see, with whom to talk, where to go.

And if not? If the family is in different sectors?

Wishlist: how to organize the perfect vacation
Wishlist: how to organize the perfect vacation

Suppose our dad, who is usually in the first sector, moved to the third this summer. His needs have changed. It is during this summer vacation that dad wants privacy. He is a writer. And she really hopes to finish the novel, the ending in which is desperately stalled. Usually he is the soul of the company, active and lively, and now he wants to be alone and focus on his work. He hopes that the light sea breeze will help him with this. And what does this mean that now all three must live as hermits?

Not at all. Nothing prevents mom and child from having fun, getting to know each other, communicating while dad is creating. Considering the new needs of the Pope, it is possible to rent an apartment in a quiet and peaceful place. But at the same time, taking into account the wishes of the mother and the child, do it next to a large tourist center with a sufficient number of entertainment and attractions.

As a result of this planning, everyone will enjoy their vacation.

2. Ideal home

Now let's find your place and the place of each member of your family in the second circle. What kind of environment do you really want to live in during your vacation?

Perhaps you will understand that you hate the box rooms of standard anthill hotels or rented apartments near the sea, but with the persistence of a masochist, you continue to live on vacation that way. Why? Maybe because everyone does it? Maybe to save some money? Or because your other half likes it so much? What if she doesn't like it that much?

Wishlist: how to organize the perfect vacation
Wishlist: how to organize the perfect vacation

3. Perfect food

Let's find out how you want to organize your meals on vacation. What matters is how you really want to eat, not how you are used to. On vacation, you can afford a little more than at home. Or much more. It all depends on how willing you are to let go of yourself. So, we decide on the wishes of everyone in food.

Wishlist: how to organize the perfect vacation
Wishlist: how to organize the perfect vacation

4. Perfect transportation

In what way - by sky, by water or by land - do you want to get to the resting place?

Wishlist: how to organize the perfect vacation
Wishlist: how to organize the perfect vacation

5. Attractions

It is also very important to decide how to cultivate and replenish our knowledge base, so again we mark ourselves and our loved ones in the sectors with dots.

Wishlist: how to organize the perfect vacation
Wishlist: how to organize the perfect vacation

A couple of tips

Fill out the questionnaire slowly, enjoying the process with a cup of tea or a glass of wine. Sit back, relax, remember the pleasant moments from your life. Then look at the circle. Where is your place? What do you enjoy the most? What inspires you, energizes you, makes you smile?

When you fill out the questionnaire, pass it on to your loved ones. Or fill in for them. It is important for everyone to check in on the same sheets.

The result will be visible immediately. What you love, what you want, and how far apart you are. Even if you are at opposite poles, this is hardly a problem. You do not need to love the same thing, have the same hobbies, hobbies, in order to enjoy a joint vacation. Different tastes only make life difficult if you don't know exactly what the other person wants and what they expect. The questionnaire will help you find out. And then - a matter of technology.
