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Home workout program for those who exercise 1-2 times a week
Home workout program for those who exercise 1-2 times a week

You will still get health and body benefits.

Home workout program for those who exercise 1-2 times a week
Home workout program for those who exercise 1-2 times a week

Why it is worth exercising, even if there is only 1-2 hours a week

The WHO recommends that adults do 150 minutes of light or 75 minutes of more intense aerobic activity per week, as well as two strength training sessions.

And you can fit these recommendations into two activities to improve your health, lower your risk of heart disease, increase strength and endurance, and slightly boost your metabolism.

In terms of muscle growth, even one session is enough for you to see progress. In one study of 20 young men, they found that for the same amount of workout (weight × sets × reps), muscles increased regardless of whether the person exercised once or three times a week.

This was confirmed by a review of 25 scientific studies on exercise frequency.

With the same volume, it doesn't matter how many times a week you do strength training: the muscles will grow anyway.

It is clear that, doing 1-2 times a week, you simply physically cannot withstand such a volume that can be done in 3-5 classes. But the results will be, especially if you are just getting started.

How to do it right

The main goal is to better load the body. Therefore, we will leave long, low-intensity cardio like walking or jogging until you have more free time.

For now, let's turn our attention to the main thing: strength training and intense interval training.

Since you will be practicing at home, we have compiled a program of exercises that do not require bulky equipment. But you still have to buy a horizontal bar - without it, the back and biceps will remain without sufficient load.

On request, you can also purchase dumbbells and gliding discs or fitball - this equipment will complicate some movements and better load the muscles.

We also put together two short sets of cardio exercises on the spot or with small movements, so that you do not need to go outside. Through an energetic pace and a short rest, such workouts will increase endurance with a minimum of time.

How to do strength training

We will give two training days. If you only practice once a week, alternate between them.

Workout 1

  1. Pushups.
  2. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a direct grip.
  3. Bulgarian split squats.
  4. Scandinavian crunches.
  5. Crunches on the press.
  6. Superman exercise.

Workout 2

  1. Push-ups "slide".
  2. Reverse grip pull-ups.
  3. Step up the dais.
  4. Flexion of the legs for the biceps of the hip, lying on the back.
  5. Raising your legs to the horizontal bar while hanging.
  6. Swimmer exercise.

To save time, you will do the exercises in a circuit format. Do one set of the first movement, then rest for 30-60 seconds, then move on to the second exercise and also do one set.

In this way, do all six movements, then rest for 1-2 minutes and start over. The number of circles depends on your capabilities and condition. Start at three and work up to five over time.

Choose a difficulty that will allow you to do 6-12 reps for your upper body and 15-20 for your lower body. Do the abdominal and back movements 20-25 times per set.

But before starting a workout, you should devote 5 minutes to a warm-up.

How to warm up

Warming up will warm up your muscles and raise your heart rate, so it will be easier and more enjoyable for you to do the exercises that follow. Don't skip this part, even if you're on a time-limited basis. It will take no more than 5 minutes.

Do joint gymnastics: turns and tilts of the head, rotations of the shoulders, elbows and wrists, hips, knees and feet, bends. Then - dynamic stretching. All elements, the order of execution and the number of repetitions are shown in the video below.

How to do exercise

Since the physical capabilities of people vary greatly, we will show the progression of movements from the simplest options to the rather complex ones.

Push ups

If you're just starting out and can't do classic push-ups, try the kneeling option.

As soon as you succeed in doing 15 times, go to the classic push-ups and do as many times per set as you can. Follow the form of the exercise: do not spread your elbows to the sides and strain your abs and buttocks so that the lower back does not sag.

If classic push-ups are not new to you and you can perform 10 times per set without any problems, then do diamond ones. This option works better on both the triceps and pectoral muscles.

Place your hands close together so that your index fingers and thumbs come together. Perform push-ups in your normal technique, keeping your body straight.

Push-ups "slide"

If you are good with the classic push-ups, do the slide move on the second workout. This variation allows for a better load on the shoulders.

Try it with your feet on the floor first. Bring your pelvis up so that your body resembles an inverted V, and do push-ups until your head touches the floor.

If there is no problem with this and you can perform 8-10 times per set, go to the option with legs on a chair. Place your feet on an elevation so that the body stretches from the hands to the pelvis in one line perpendicular to the floor, and perform push-ups until the top of the head touches the floor.


An excellent movement for pumping back and biceps muscles. If you don't know how to pull up yet, replace the exercise with lighter variations.

Those who can perform at least 5 reps per set will have to do the exercise with a straight grip in the first workout. According to a small study, it activates the lower trapezium and the infraspinatus muscle, which is responsible for the movement of the shoulder blades, a little more.

Pull up in full range - until the chin crosses the horizontal bar line. Don't raise your shoulders to your ears, keep your abs tight, and don't use momentum.

In the second workout, you will pull up with a reverse grip. In the same study, it was found that this position of the arms allows more load on the biceps of the shoulder.

The rules are the same as for pull-ups with a direct grip: full range, controlled lifting and lowering, tense press.

Bulgarian split squats

Since it is quite difficult to load large and strong leg muscles without resistance, you will be doing unilateral squats - on one leg.

Find a stable support 45-50 cm high, turn your back to it, put one leg and do squats. Try to sit up to the parallel of the thigh with the floor and make sure that the heel of the supporting leg does not come off.

Also pay attention to the knee: it should not curl inward when lifting. Make an effort to avoid this.

If this exercise is not yet given to you, replace it with back lunges. This is also a unilateral exercise that will help you exercise your hips and improve your balance.

Do a full approach on one leg first, then repeat on the other.

Step up the dais

This is one of the best glute exercises at home.

Choose a stable support with a height of 45-50 cm, put your right foot on it and slightly move the body forward, loading the leg. Then climb onto the support using only the strength of your working leg. Do not push off the other floor so as not to take the load off the muscles.

Go back down smoothly and under control and repeat. First, do the whole set with one leg and only then with the other.

Scandinavian crunches

This exercise perfectly pumps the back of the thigh without any weight. To do this, you will need a partner to support your ankles, or a space wide enough under the bed to tuck your feet in.

Place a folded blanket on the floor and kneel on it. Lock your ankles and push your body forward, keeping your torso straight from the top of your head to your knees. It is important not to bend the pelvis, but to hold the body with the strength of the muscles on the back of the thigh.

Slowly increase the angle of inclination, and when you can no longer endure, fall forward, placing your hands. Push off the floor and repeat the exercise.

If doing without a partner, make sure the bed can support your weight and your feet don't slip out from under it.

Leg curl for hamstrings

Another great movement for pumping the back of the thigh. If you have a fitball, try doing the exercise on it.

Place your feet on the ball, bend your legs and lift your pelvis off the floor so that your body is stretched in one line from shoulders to knees. Smoothly straighten your legs, keeping your pelvis in weight, and then roll the ball closer to your pelvis again, bending your knees.

Try to keep your lower back neutral and not break the straight line of your body.

When you can do 15 reps without any problems, try the one-leg version - it is much more difficult and more effective for pumping the back of the thigh.

You can do the same without a fitball by placing a sliding piece of cloth under your heels or doing the exercise with socks on a smooth floor.

Crunches on the press

The simplest movement that will pump the abdominal muscles well and will not create excessive stress on the lower back. Press your lower back to the floor, tear off your shoulder blades, do not press on your head with your hands and strain your abs constantly.

If you did 25 times per set and did not feel much tension in the abdominal muscles, try doing the crunches a little slower. Go up two counts and go down the same way. And do not forget to constantly strain your stomach, even when you return your shoulder blades to the floor.

Hanging leg raises

The movement works great for the abs and hip flexors, but it creates a lot of compression in the lower back. If you have problems with the lower back, exclude hanging leg raises so as not to aggravate the pain and damage the spine.

Instead, you can do the same crunches you did in the first lesson, or try the bike exercise shown below in the interval training block.

Hang from a horizontal bar and pull your pubic bone towards your navel so that your pelvis tilts back. Then lift your legs bent at the knees, trying to reach your chest.

Slowly and under control, return to the starting position and repeat.

If you can do it 15 times per set, move on to the straight leg raise.


This exercise will work your back extensors, the muscles around your spine.

Lie on the floor and extend your arms over your head. Raise your arms and legs at the same time and lower them back down. For better pumping, you can fix the top position for 1-2 seconds.

Lifting with traction

The exercise will load your back muscles and slightly increase shoulder mobility. Raise your chest off the floor, bring your arms to your body with effort, as if pulling something heavy. Put back and repeat.

Do not lower your chest to the floor until the end of the exercise, strain your buttocks and try to raise your back a little higher each time.

If you can do 15 times without any problems, pick up a small bottle of water or light dumbbells.

How to do interval training

At the end of the strength section, rest for 3-5 minutes and move on to the interval complex.

Set a timer and do the first exercise on the list for 40 seconds, rest for the remaining 20 seconds and move on to the next movement. Thus, complete all four exercises, take a break for 60 seconds, and start over.

In total, you need to complete three circles. If you feel like working vigorously for 40 seconds non-stop is too early, switch to 30/30 - work and rest for the same number of seconds.

The main thing is not to stop in the middle of the working interval and move vigorously.

Workout 1

  1. Jumping Jacks.
  2. Burpee.
  3. Jumping rope.
  4. Exercise "rock climber".

Workout 2

  1. Hot feet.
  2. Push-ups and jump to arms.
  3. Skater exercise.
  4. Lunges with touching the floor.

How to do exercise

Jumping jacks

Jump on half-toes, clap your hands over your head.


Lower yourself to the floor until your chest and hips touch. You don't need to do push-ups - first lift your chest and shoulders, then lift your pelvis and put your legs closer to your hands. At the top, do not jump high, the main thing is to get off the floor.

Jumping rope

Keep your elbows close to your body and try to twist the rope with your wrists only, not your forearms.

Rock climber

Pull your knees closer to your chest and bring them back. Try not to move your pelvis too much during movement - tighten your abs to keep your body more or less stable.

Hot feet

Kick your legs at a fast pace, keep your back straight. At the end of the interval, try to accelerate if you still have strength.

Push-ups and jump to arms

If you do not know how to do push-ups yet, just do a jump from the support lying to the hands and come back.


Do not put your hands on your head, make sure that your lower back remains pressed to the floor.

Touching the floor lunges

Alternate your legs with a jump, bend over to your leg with your back straight. If you run out of strength, do two forward lunges without jumping, and then step back with a slope.

How long can this program be used

Since this program combines all the necessary muscle-building and endurance-building movements at home, you can do it all the time.

Over time, move on to more complex movement variations. You can also buy dumbbells, leg weights, or a weighted vest to make your exercise even more effective.

For interval training, increase your workout time as your endurance develops. For example, do the movements for 50 seconds, and rest for only 10, or generally work for a minute without rest and take a break only at the end of the circle.

If you're looking for something new, try our other interval workouts.
