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Leveling Up: Tough Home Workout for Stronger Shoulders
Leveling Up: Tough Home Workout for Stronger Shoulders

Load all parts of the deltoids without dumbbells and resistance bands.

Leveling Up: Tough Home Workout for Strong Shoulders
Leveling Up: Tough Home Workout for Strong Shoulders

Five movements will work well for the deltas, triceps, and rotator cuff muscles. You will improve shoulder stability, boost wrist mobility, and provide enough fatigue for muscle growth.

How to do a workout

The complex consists of five movements:

  1. Pseudo-plan - 6 times.
  2. Lifting with support on the elbows lying on the back - 6 times.
  3. Indian push-ups - 6 times.
  4. Reverse plank with wide arms - 20 seconds.
  5. Handstand - 20 seconds

Perform exercises in a row, resting no more than 30 seconds between them. At the end of the circle, rest 60–90 seconds and start over. Complete three circles.

How to do the exercises

1. Pseudo-plan

Stand at close range. Place your hands so that your wrists are at stomach level. Perform push-ups keeping your elbows close to your body and keeping your back straight. You can adjust the load by changing the position of your arms: the closer they are to your stomach, the greater the load on your shoulders.

2. Lifting with support on the elbows lying on the back

Lie on your back, spread your arms to your sides, bend your elbows and point your hands towards the ceiling. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Raise your chest to the ceiling using your elbows and return back to the floor.

3. Indian push-ups

Stand up "with a slide" - put your palms and feet on the floor, and raise your pelvis to the ceiling. Straighten your back, you can bend your knees so that the back of the thigh does not pull.

Bend your elbows and slide forward until your chest touches the floor, as if you are going to crawl under some kind of obstacle. Straighten your arms, pulling the body up, and then return to the starting position along the same path.

If the reverse movement is not given to you, perform only the first phase, and return back through the top: just push the pelvis back and go up the "hill" again.

4. Reverse plank with wide arms

For this movement, it is important to choose a non-slip surface because the hands will move apart.

Sit on the floor and place your arms at your sides. Leaning on your palms, lift your pelvis and extend your body in a straight line. Tighten your glutes to hold the position. Direct your gaze to the ceiling.

5. Handstand

Stand in a handstand next to a wall and hold the position. If your wrists hurt, try a forearm stand.
