Table of contents:

8 reasons to make mindfulness a habit
8 reasons to make mindfulness a habit

How the practice of mindfulness makes life delightful and you happy.

8 reasons to make mindfulness a habit
8 reasons to make mindfulness a habit

What is mindfulness

Mindfulness is the ability to live the present moment without judgment and be 100% present in it, as well as freedom from automatic patterns of behavior, thoughts and emotions, according to the Association for Mindfulness Researchers (AMRA). Foreign psychologists call this state of mindfulness.

All that is needed for a conscious life is to transfer attention from thoughts and making plans to reality itself. What you see will amaze you.

Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with him, not against him. Make him your friend and ally, not your enemy. It will magically change your whole life.

Eckhart Tolle is a bestselling author, public speaker, spiritual teacher.

Body practices, lucid dreams, extreme sports, yoga, martial arts and meditation help to immerse oneself in the "now". The state of total presence you experience during these activities becomes a habit. This is how you increase your awareness.


What Mindfulness Practice Gives

1. Success and efficiency

Mindfulness is the switch that triggers the growth of the rest of the parameters of a successful life. You can consciously negotiate, grow above yourself and move towards your goals. It is logical that the results will be much better than if you continue to do all this unconsciously. Research from Harvard Medical School shows that mindfulness practices make the brain function more efficiently. Mindfulness, like the NZT pill from Realms of Darkness, awakens the brain's hidden resources and leads you to success.

2. Pleasure

The taste of food is brighter if you do not watch the film in parallel, but eat, focusing on the moment. Sex is better if you don't think about repairs or work in the process. The problem is that thoughts prevent us from engaging in one lesson entirely and completely. Meditation will help: it increases the level of serotonin in the brain and teaches you to stop the "thought mixer". As a result, you actively delve into your every action and enjoy even washing dishes.

3. Ability to concentrate

Just two weeks of regular mindfulness practice dramatically improves reading comprehension, memory capacity and concentration. Google, the US Marine Corps and the UK Parliament use mindfulness training to improve their performance. Take an example.


4. Healthy heart

It is scientifically proven that the ability to enter a state of meditation helps to normalize high blood pressure, and therefore, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Scientists attribute this to the fact that a conscious attitude towards their body and health motivates people to lead a healthy lifestyle for the heart. That is, to skillfully regulate the level of stress and avoid factors that provoke heart disease: smoking and uncontrolled eating of fatty foods.

5. Longevity and a healthy mind

Meditation and yoga significantly reduce the rate of cellular aging. With age, the cerebral cortex decreases in thickness and volume, speech slows down, and some even develop Alzheimer's disease. Mindfulness practices stop these processes and allow the body and mind to live longer. So practice if you want to feel like 30 at 60.

conscious life
conscious life

6. Harmonious relationships

The experience of meditation teaches you to be more attentive to your own emotions and more accurately read the emotions of others. Plus, you become less irritable, which helps build stronger relationships. This is confirmed by a study conducted at the University of California, San Francisco.

Mindfulness allows you not to compare your partner with predecessors and accept him as he is. And the ability to be in the moment removes unrealistic expectations. Relieve yourself of tons of disappointments and a whole pool of shed tears - start meditating.

7. Freedom from fears and phobias

The state of meditation helps to get rid of phobias and panic attacks. Regular practice of mindfulness reduces activity in the right prefrontal cortex and amygdala, which are responsible for irrational fears. At the same time, activity in the left prefrontal cortex, which forms a state of joy and calm, is increased. Meditation teaches you to separate the thought "This is a spider" from the emotional reaction "He's so creepy, I'm scared!" As a result, obsessive fears fade and lose strength.

8. Happiness

Mindfulness practices have an effect comparable to that of antidepressants, according to Meditation May Reduce Mild Depression, Anxiety experts. Only meditation has no side effects and is not addictive. You can get rid of anxiety, stress and start enjoying life for free and legally, isn't this happiness?

conscious life
conscious life

How to get all these bonuses

Stop distracting yourself from experiencing reality. Thoughtless Internet surfing, alcohol and drug use, immersion in virtual worlds introduces a person into a state of low awareness. Avoiding the above-mentioned entertainment will significantly increase awareness, and with it, the quality of life.

If you are ready to go even further, purposefully practice mindfulness. There are thousands of techniques for meditating while driving, jogging or painting. To music, mantras, in a noisy shopping center or in complete silence.

If meditation is not for you, use breathing exercises, qigong, or even a technique you invented. Learn to manage your dreams and you can bring this mindfulness skill into real life. Pick a practice you like and go for it.
