The notebook is dead. Long live the smartphone
The notebook is dead. Long live the smartphone

A few thoughts on why smartphones have replaced notebooks and diaries. Let's discuss in the comments!

The notebook is dead. Long live the smartphone!
The notebook is dead. Long live the smartphone!

Thanks to Nokia and the iPhone, smartphones have burst into our lives and have played a rather important role in it for about 10 years. For some, a smartphone is a good way to pass the time with games (I hope our readers only play smart games). For others, it is the most faithful and reliable assistant. But for paper diaries, the smartphone has become a real killer.

5 years ago, most students and office workers always had a diary with them. Phone numbers, addresses, information about projects and even thoughts were recorded there. For me personally, the diary was a good way to get out of my head all the reasoning on any topic. But that was a little earlier than 5 years ago. In 2009, I was already actively leading and using Microsoft Word to capture my own thoughts. It was actually a very real personal diary, like those kept by girls. But many ideas disappeared because I did not have time to convey them to the computer. I just forgot.

By the way, I strongly advise you to record your thoughts in the same way. It helps to organize everything in your head, to look at absolutely all aspects of the problem or task. It really structures thinking.

But then, first a communicator appeared in my life, and then a smartphone with a comfortable keyboard. All phone numbers and addresses were immediately added to contacts. Thoughts were quickly thrown into notes. Any reminders about appointments and events were added to the calendar. This was a small turning point in my life. I started to really write down and store all the important information.

Previously, you had to take a paper diary out of your backpack to write down your thoughts or any information. And then all the records had to be converted into electronic form, because the diary could be lost or simply thrown away by accident. Today it is enough just to take a phone out of your pocket and write it down in a form that is convenient for me.

There are tons of handy tools for taking notes, making lists of tasks, structuring thoughts and knowledge. Contacts and addresses are stored forever. And all this thanks to a little assistant - a smartphone. And I sincerely feel sorry for those people who are frozen in the past and cannot say goodbye to paper. Why use it today?
