Can ' t Unsee - visual simulator for designers
Can ' t Unsee - visual simulator for designers

Here are two layouts. One by Jony Ive is polished, the other is spoiled by a newcomer. Which one do you choose?

Can't Unsee - a visual trainer for designers
Can't Unsee - a visual trainer for designers

Often on websites, designers and programmers make mistakes. To notice them more often, we suggest taking the Can't Unsee test. It will help you train your eyesight and identify layout mistakes in a few seconds.

The game offers to choose one of two layouts - the one that is better designed. At first, the tasks will be simple: too different font, flaws in the color layout and line sizes.

Train watching with Can't Unsee
Train watching with Can't Unsee

Toward the end, it will be more difficult to determine a good layout, since the changes in the screenshots will become less obvious: a knocked down row of icons, the wrong font size, lack of centering of the modules.

Train your watching with Can't Unsee: which layout is better?
Train your watching with Can't Unsee: which layout is better?

After you make a selection, the result and the "Compare" button will appear on the screen. This will help determine exactly how layouts differ.

Train your observation with Can't Unsee: checking the correctness of the answers
Train your observation with Can't Unsee: checking the correctness of the answers

After completing the game, you will be prompted to register and record the number of points scored in the leaderboard. While the record is held by the user Nicu cel Surdu, who scored 9,999 points in 23 seconds.
