Relationship 2024, April

7 tips for finding love that you definitely shouldn't listen to

7 tips for finding love that you definitely shouldn't listen to

These popular tips for finding love are actually pretty damaging to the relationship. Confuse, create illusions and make us unhappy

5 types of relationships for those who are not suitable for monogamy

5 types of relationships for those who are not suitable for monogamy

Life hacker tells what alternatives to monogamous relationships exist, except for such an obvious and little-relevant opposite as polygamy

8 common mistakes on a first date

8 common mistakes on a first date

To make the first date go well, and you make a good impression and win over the interlocutor, never do this

How do we lose ourselves in relationships and can it be avoided

How do we lose ourselves in relationships and can it be avoided

Do not forget that you need to take care not only of your partner, but also of yourself. We will tell you how to act in order not to lose yourself in a relationship

Romance killers: what foods to cut out before and during a date

Romance killers: what foods to cut out before and during a date

Onions and garlic are not the best companions for a romantic meeting. But they're not the only ones who can kill any romantic date. Find out what's even better not to eat

How to choose a movie for a first date

How to choose a movie for a first date

The first date in the movies is a commonplace option, but it has its advantages. However, choose your movie carefully if you want to get to the second date

7 dating myths that keep you from finding your happiness

7 dating myths that keep you from finding your happiness

Change your approach to romantic dates if you want to not only have a good time, but also build a harmonious relationship

Why feelings cool over time and how to prolong love

Why feelings cool over time and how to prolong love

Relationships are too complicated to know exactly how long love lasts. Yes, strong feelings don't last forever, but there are ways to revive them

6 myths about a real man

6 myths about a real man

"A man must …", "a real man always …" - we expect other people to comply with certain rules. Life hacker knows what myths get in the way of happiness

7 reasons why men need feminism

7 reasons why men need feminism

It is only at first glance that it seems that feminism only helps women. Men also benefit from him. Do not believe it - take a closer look

Why do we yell at children and how to stop in time

Why do we yell at children and how to stop in time

A screaming mom is a tired mom. A life hacker asked psychologists how to control yourself when your nerves are at the limit and there is no patience at all

How to spot a sociopath without getting hooked

How to spot a sociopath without getting hooked

Psychopath, sociopath are characteristics that have become popular. The life hacker understands what is behind these words and how to understand that in front of you is a sociopath

15 little secrets to help you like others

15 little secrets to help you like others

To make your popularity scale skyrocket, try the recommendations in this article. We will tell you how to please people

How science explains homosexuality

How science explains homosexuality

Lifehacker summarizes the basic facts about the nature of homosexuality that scientists have been able to find out to date

7 simple things to make your family life happy

7 simple things to make your family life happy

A happy family life is also a job. Work above all on yourself. These simple tips will help keep your family together and make you much happier

What is love and what it is: a view of psychologists

What is love and what it is: a view of psychologists

Ask anyone what love is, and he is unlikely to be able to express it in words. But psychologists have found the answer to this difficult question

3 parenting myths: what we're doing wrong

3 parenting myths: what we're doing wrong

Raising a child is surrounded by many myths. Are children's lies dangerous? Do I need to praise the baby and protect him from family quarrels? Read in our article

What parents need to know about teenagers to better understand them

What parents need to know about teenagers to better understand them

Adolescence is the most hectic period of life. During this time, children need good role models, support and understanding more than ever

How to convince people with social psychology

How to convince people with social psychology

Everyone has to convince others at some point, whether they be colleagues, boss or significant other. Social psychology offers a scientific approach to persuasion

The power of loneliness: why everyone needs time to be alone

The power of loneliness: why everyone needs time to be alone

Voluntary loneliness makes you a self-sufficient person, allows you to think about important things and learn to love yourself a little more

How to tell if you truly love someone

How to tell if you truly love someone

How often people make mistakes, mistaking feelings and emotions that are far from it for signs of love. A list compiled by blogger Chris Gage can help you understand the nature of relationships and understand if you really are in love

How to tell if your relationship is really serious

How to tell if your relationship is really serious

Building strong, serious relationships can be tricky, but if the listed signs can be attributed to your couple, congratulations, you are on the right track

Counterdependency: why a person avoids close relationships and what to do about it

Counterdependency: why a person avoids close relationships and what to do about it

We will tell you what counterdependence is, how it can be caused and whether it is worth entering into a relationship with a person who avoids intimacy

7 signs of an inadequate dating app

7 signs of an inadequate dating app

We will tell you how to recognize explicit and hidden narcissists, potential abusers and other characters with inadequacy features from the start

Why it's time to stop believing in the myth of your soul mate

Why it's time to stop believing in the myth of your soul mate

We tell you where the belief in kindred spirits came from, what science thinks about it, is there a chance to meet your soul mate and is it worth looking for her at all

How to Know When You Have Low Emotional Intelligence and What to Do About It

How to Know When You Have Low Emotional Intelligence and What to Do About It

If you are unlucky in your personal life, do not develop relationships with friends and colleagues, you may have poor emotional intelligence (EQ)

3 questions to discuss before marriage to keep it long

3 questions to discuss before marriage to keep it long

A successful marriage is one where spouses can ask even tough questions. And for him to become like that, you have to look at the relationship through the prism of divorce

10 signs that you've outgrown friendship

10 signs that you've outgrown friendship

If you have ceased to understand a friend, and for communication you need to come up with topics, it is likely that this is the end of your, albeit a long, friendship

10 parenting tips you don't need to listen to

10 parenting tips you don't need to listen to

Moving, changing jobs, getting married … There are issues that need to be addressed on their own, even if the parents' advice is dictated by their best intentions

9 phrases that infuriate work communication

9 phrases that infuriate work communication

"I'll deal with later", "Oh, I forgot!" - these and other phrases enrage more than one generation of workers. But any thought can be conveyed more correctly

Is it worth doing business with friends and how it can turn out

Is it worth doing business with friends and how it can turn out

Sometimes it's really better not to start a common cause. But there are pluses in working-friendship relations. If you decide on this, read tips on how to run such a business

What to do if you and your parents have different outlooks on life

What to do if you and your parents have different outlooks on life

If diverging views on life lead to quarrels, try to translate differences into a peaceful course - proving that you are right is not always necessary

Should adult children help their parents

Should adult children help their parents

It is important to find the line between the necessary support and manipulation. Otherwise, parent-child relationships can become toxic

Why being friends with your parents isn't always a good idea

Why being friends with your parents isn't always a good idea

Being friends with mom and dad is great, but sometimes this relationship with your parents makes it difficult to become independent and makes it difficult to communicate with other people

What to do if you fell in love with your best friend

What to do if you fell in love with your best friend

Falling in love with friends is not such a bad idea: you know a friend, you always have something to talk about. But, as with everything related to relationships, there are nuances

How to communicate with your partner's parents so as not to turn the family into a battlefield

How to communicate with your partner's parents so as not to turn the family into a battlefield

Even in a difficult situation, you should try to improve relationships with your partner's parents - if only because these people raised and educated your soul mate

I want to remake my partner. Is everything okay with me? And with our relationship?

I want to remake my partner. Is everything okay with me? And with our relationship?

Everyone has problems in relationships, and it is quite natural to get used to each other. But breaking a loved one is not

How to survive in parenting territory if you are already an adult

How to survive in parenting territory if you are already an adult

Living with your parents if you are not a child for a long time can be difficult. But the situation is simplified if you follow certain rules

“I never knew what was waiting for me at home”: how to deal with toxic parents

“I never knew what was waiting for me at home”: how to deal with toxic parents

Alcoholic mom, codependent relationship and painful therapy by a psychologist. Toxic parents ruin childhood, but it's important not to let yourself drown in negativity

What to do if you fell out of love

What to do if you fell out of love

Why you shouldn't delay talking if a woman feels that she has stopped loving her husband (or he has stopped loving his wife), and how to cause less pain to a partner and to yourself