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How to get better in 2019
How to get better in 2019

The most interesting articles by Lifehacker that will help you change yourself and your life.

How to get better in 2019
How to get better in 2019

Get into good habits

Self-development and self-improvement: make good habits
Self-development and self-improvement: make good habits

If you wanted to change something in your life, now is the time to act. Don't try to radically change right away. Pick a few small habits from the area that is most important to you at the moment, and repeat them day after day. And when you get it automatic, try the following. Gradually, your whole life will change for the better.

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Strengthen your character

Self-development and self-improvement: build character
Self-development and self-improvement: build character

There are many definitions of a strong person. Most often, this concept is associated with qualities such as honesty, responsibility and self-control. Our tips will help you develop them.

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Train your brain

Self-development and self-improvement: train your brain
Self-development and self-improvement: train your brain

Brain health is directly dependent on our daily activities. Moreover, it is enough to change your habits a little to notice the first results. Set aside the next 30 days to boost your thinking.

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Learn new

Self-development and self-improvement: learn new things
Self-development and self-improvement: learn new things

This not only broadens one's horizons, but also keeps the brain in good shape. And to better assimilate the information, do something exciting and unknown more often. Follow the advice of entrepreneur Oren Hoffman: "If you want to learn as effectively as possible, do what is difficult for you 70% of the time."

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Get out of your comfort zone

Self-development and self-improvement: get out of your comfort zone
Self-development and self-improvement: get out of your comfort zone

Quit often and try new things. Start small: take a cold shower, look at your smartphone less often, find an unusual hobby, or meet a new person.

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Read more

Self-development and self-improvement: 40 books to help you become better
Self-development and self-improvement: 40 books to help you become better

Whatever you want to change, whatever you want to learn, a book has probably been written about it. We have collected publications that will help you communicate with people, achieve your goals, be smarter, more productive and happier.

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Change your thinking

Self-development and self-improvement: how to change thinking
Self-development and self-improvement: how to change thinking

Often, the obstacles that prevent us from achieving our goals or getting better exist only in our head. Consciousness determines how we behave in difficult situations, whether we cope with fear, succeed or fail. Therefore, thoughts need to be changed.

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Motivate yourself to move forward

Self-development and self-improvement: motivate yourself to move forward
Self-development and self-improvement: motivate yourself to move forward

Sometimes hands give up and the desire to do at least something completely disappears. In such cases, remind yourself of what you have already achieved. Celebrating small victories will energize you to move on. And don't forget to believe in yourself.

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Learn to fight procrastination

Self-development and self-improvement: learn to fight procrastination
Self-development and self-improvement: learn to fight procrastination

If you don't feel like doing something, promise yourself to do it for only five minutes. Chances are, after this short period of time, you will get involved and follow through to the end. This rule will help you tackle any task.

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Improve mental endurance

Self-development and self-improvement: improve mental endurance
Self-development and self-improvement: improve mental endurance

To be psychologically tough, you don't have to have iron willpower. Try to enjoy the very movement towards the goal and to relate to everything easier.

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Develop creativity

Self-development and self-improvement: develop creativity
Self-development and self-improvement: develop creativity

Creative thinking is not unique to artists and writers, all of us have it. The head of the educational center PROSvitaLeo Laboratory told how easy it is to develop associative thinking, observation and the ability to see the implicit properties of an object, which are so necessary for a creative approach to things.

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Simplify your life

Self-development and self-improvement: simplify your life
Self-development and self-improvement: simplify your life

The philosophy of minimalism is popular all over the world. Its meaning is not only in the rejection of various rubbish, but also in changing thinking. In the ability to discard unnecessary things in order to see the essence of things. Turn off music and listen to silence. Try this in your life.

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