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Medical procedures you shouldn't forget about
Medical procedures you shouldn't forget about

Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to a free medical examination carried out every three years under the compulsory medical insurance policy. However, not everyone is satisfied with the quality of services offered by public medicine, and some of the procedures are recommended to be completed more often. The life hacker tried to cover the entire list of examinations recommended for regular passage. Read and save to your browser bookmarks.

Medical procedures you shouldn't forget about
Medical procedures you shouldn't forget about

Why visit a doctor when nothing hurts?

Each of us has undergone preventive examinations more than once: at school and university, when registering a medical book or passing a military commission. Walking through the offices of doctors tired by dozens of patients, wasting hours of life in queues for specialists whose qualifications are sometimes in doubt - these are the main reasons that the culture of medical examination is not particularly instilled in our population.

The life hacker is convinced that it is worth taking care of your health even when nothing hurts. Illness responds better to early treatment, and identifying risk factors before symptoms appear is a surefire way to save both health and money. And for those who are not attracted by the services of free medicine, there are private clinics and test laboratories that allow them to conduct a "technical examination" of their body, bypassing municipal hospitals.

What procedures are recommended more than once a year?

Dentist examination

An appointment with a dentist with a frequency of at least once every six months should not be neglected, even if nothing hurts you. A specialist examination will reveal hidden areas of caries, abnormal tooth growth or gum disease at an early stage.


Rapid weight gain can speak not only of love for starchy foods, but also of the course of diseases in the body. Diabetes mellitus, impaired glucose tolerance, hormonal disruptions - this is an incomplete list of reasons for rapid weight gain. Losing weight quickly can also indicate health problems, such as metabolic disorders, the progression of type 1 diabetes, or the presence of parasites in the gut.

Measurement of blood pressure (BP)

The blood pressure rate for each person is individual, it is generally accepted that the indicators of a person at the age of 20-30 should be in the region of 100-130 / 70-90 mm Hg. Art. If your blood pressure readings differ significantly from those indicated, then you should not postpone an appointment with a therapist. It is also useful to monitor the pulse: a heart rate below 50 beats per minute and above 100 beats per minute is considered an abnormality that requires a doctor's examination.

What procedures are recommended annually?

Complete blood count (CBC)

KLA allows diagnosing blood diseases, shows the presence of inflammatory processes and latent bleeding in the body. Also, the results of the analysis can tell a lot about the state of immunity.

Blood sugar test

The main purpose of this analysis is to prevent the development of diabetes mellitus. If a disease is detected at an early stage, the patient can be prescribed non-drug treatment: a change in lifestyle and diet.

General urine analysis

The results of this study make it possible to diagnose diseases of the genitourinary system. The doctor can determine the course in the human body of diseases such as cystitis, urethritis or pyelonephritis.


A diagnostic procedure that will detect the presence of many diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as atherosclerosis or coronary heart disease.


The passage of this procedure will reveal signs of tuberculosis, lung tumors and diseases of the pleural cavity.

Examination by an ophthalmologist

The optometrist will check your visual acuity, as well as your eyes, for cataracts and glaucoma.

Blood test for hepatitis and HIV

Many private medical research laboratories offer anonymous comprehensive tests that include screening for hepatitis B, C, HIV and the most common sexually transmitted diseases.

For men: examination by a urologist

Examination of the prostate, contrary to popular belief, should be carried out not only after reaching the age mark of 40 years, especially if you are not leading an active lifestyle. Timely finger examination will reveal the early development of diseases of the reproductive system, and prostate massage is not only a diagnostic, but also a preventive procedure.

For women: examination by a mammologist and gynecologist

Women are advised to conduct an examination of the mammary glands, as well as an examination of the cervix and ultrasound of the pelvic organs to diagnose diseases of the reproductive system.

Minimum biochemical blood test

It is recommended to periodically check the following indicators: bilirubin, ALT, AST, creatinine, urea, total protein and uric acid. The results of the study will reveal minimal signs of liver and kidney diseases, metabolic disorders.

Lipid spectrum blood test

A laboratory research method that identifies potentially dangerous changes in fat metabolism that underlie cardiovascular diseases.

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland

Fatigue, excess weight, hair and nail problems and menstrual irregularities can be caused by improper functioning of the glands responsible for the secretion of hormones, in particular the thyroid gland. The advertised dietary supplements are not a panacea for the indicated problems, so do not postpone a visit to an endocrinologist with the results of an ultrasound scan if these symptoms are found. Women should pay special attention to the work of the thyroid gland.

What procedures are recommended every 2-10 years?


An irreplaceable procedure in the diagnosis of intestinal diseases, which is recommended every two years. Many neglect it because of the unpleasant sensations that arise during the examination, but modern medicine suggests carrying out the procedure under anesthesia.

Examination by a neurologist

Do not forget that many diseases are neurological in nature, and the list of their symptoms is very extensive. A prophylactic visit to the neurologist's office will help prevent the development of such diseases.

Tetanus and diphtheria vaccination

It is necessary to be vaccinated against tetanus and diphtheria every 10 years.

Vaccination of hepatitis

It is recommended to be vaccinated against hepatitis A every 6-10 years. For the prevention of hepatitis B, primary vaccination is often sufficient, after which decisions on subsequent vaccinations are made based on the results of the indicators of the strength of the immune system.

It's all?

No, not everything. Do not forget that when you reach the age mark of 40–45 years and have a predisposition to certain diseases, the list of procedures recommended for passing will have to be expanded. Care must be taken to prevent an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases and remission of those from which you have recovered. In this case, the individual list of recommended procedures will also increase. Do not neglect a timely visit to the doctor and be healthy.
