Table of contents:

11 medical procedures that must be completed by the end of 2020
11 medical procedures that must be completed by the end of 2020

A checklist of regular examinations that are necessary even if nothing hurts. Do not forget to repeat them in 2021, 2022, 2023 and other years.

11 medical procedures that must be completed by the end of 2020
11 medical procedures that must be completed by the end of 2020

1. Complete blood count

It determines the hemoglobin content, as well as the number and volume of blood corpuscles (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets). Such a diagnosis will help determine if the body has inflammation and other problems, including clotting disorders, anemia, and internal bleeding. The results of this analysis alone may not be enough for an accurate diagnosis. But if there is a glitch that needs to be dealt with, you will find out about it.

In addition, a complete blood count shows the state of the immune system. In the fall and winter, especially during a pandemic, this is very important. You need to take the analysis on an empty stomach: in the morning or at least four hours after eating.

2. Biochemical blood test

In this complex study of venous blood, the amount of total protein, hemoglobin, urea, creatinine, cholesterol, glucose and other important indicators is determined. This procedure helps diagnose metabolic disorders, kidney and liver diseases, including hepatitis A.

Since biochemistry shows the level of glucose in the blood, it can be used to identify the threat of diabetes mellitus (increased value) or hypoglycemia (below normal).

This test must be taken in the morning and on an empty stomach (do not eat at least six hours before the procedure).

3. Blood test for hepatitis B and C, for HIV

Analyzes, which many fear in vain because of shyness and fear of publicity. But in fact, you can donate blood for hepatitis and HIV in most private clinics anonymously.

Everyone needs to carry out these procedures periodically. After all, in order to accidentally become infected, you do not have to be a drug addict or have a promiscuous sex life. For example, the hepatitis C virus is quite tenacious and can persist on the instruments of a dentist who does not monitor their sterilization well. It is especially important to undergo tests when changing a sexual partner, preparing for pregnancy and getting injured with items that do not belong to you. For example, if you step on a syringe lying on the floor or cut yourself with someone else's razor.

You need to take these tests again on an empty stomach, the day before, you should not consume alcohol and fatty foods.

4. Fluorography

A procedure to help check the condition of the lungs. No additional preparation for fluorography is needed, you can undergo an examination at any time of the day.

The procedure can detect signs of tuberculosis, lung tumors and other diseases. The fluorograph also shows inflamed areas that can be caused, including by coronavirus.

5. Eyesight examination

What tests to take and what doctors to visit annually: ophthalmologist
What tests to take and what doctors to visit annually: ophthalmologist

It is useful to visit an ophthalmologist, even if there are no problems with visual acuity. Constant work at the computer and web-surfing in free time contribute to eye fatigue and deterioration of vigilance. By the way, if you often have a headache, this may be a manifestation of deteriorated vision.

Checking with an ophthalmologist is needed not only to assess vigilance, but also to timely detect any disorders or diseases, such as glaucoma or myopia. If your eyes never really bother you, you can reduce your visits to the ophthalmologist to once every two years.

6. ECG

Electrocardiography can help detect abnormalities in the cardiovascular system and some conditions, such as coronary artery disease or atherosclerosis.

Before the ECG, you should not be nervous and tense, it is advisable to sleep well and refuse to exercise. Also, on the eve, you should not overeat, eat fatty foods and alcohol. Ideally, the procedure should be done on an empty stomach, but if this is not possible, for example, it falls in the afternoon, you should have an easy breakfast and not snack at least two hours before the ECG.

7. Examination by a gynecologist / urologist

Visits to these doctors will help to identify pathologies, sexually transmitted diseases and tumors in time. Women at a gynecologist's appointment need to check the mammary glands, cervix, take a smear for oncocytology and microflora, if necessary, undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. The specialist may also recommend taking a number of tests, for example, checking the level of hormones in the blood.

For men, a urologist needs to check the condition of the external genital organs (to determine if there are any inflammatory processes and some strange formations) and the prostate. Regular examination of the prostate gland is recommended starting from the age of 40. But even before the indicated age, you should not forget about it. It is not possible to diagnose a disease, such as prostatitis or stones in the prostate, with the help of a routine examination (a number of tests and ultrasounds will be required), but it is possible to identify signs of problems and begin to deal with changes in the body.

8. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland

This little gland is of great importance. If she is okay, you are cheerful, calm, you can go in for sports, enjoy your reflection in the mirror and enjoy life. But if the thyroid gland is not functioning properly, you will immediately feel how your quality of life is declining. Thyroid problems lead to fatigue, weight gain, deterioration in the appearance and structure of hair, skin and nails, menstrual irregularities and other problems.

You need to check this organ with an endocrinologist. The process is not as fast as, for example, a blood test: it takes 15–20 minutes. During an ultrasound, the doctor will check the location, contours, structure of the thyroid gland, tissue density, the presence of nodes and inflammation.

If there are no complaints about health and mood, ultrasound can be done infrequently - even once every five years. But people living in regions with poor ecology, even with ideal health, are recommended to be examined every 6 months.

9. Appointment at the dentist

What tests to take and what doctors to visit annually: dentist
What tests to take and what doctors to visit annually: dentist

The dentist must be visited at least once every six months. If in the second half of 2020 you have not yet gone to check your teeth, it's time to get corrected.

The initial appointment will allow you to understand if there is tooth decay, tartar or other problems. You can fix them immediately or schedule a return visit. If the examination shows that all is well with the health of your teeth, find cleaning products. This is a very important procedure to help remove plaque and dirt from hard-to-reach areas and prevent tooth decay.

10. General urine analysis

This is a set of tests during which the appearance and composition of urine is assessed. Experts analyze color, transparency, specific gravity, acidity, bacteria, presence of protein, glucose, iron, bilirubin, epithelial cells, erythrocytes and so on.

Thus, you can diagnose and begin to treat diseases of the kidneys, bladder, prostate, urinary tract in time. The material must be submitted in the morning. Before the analysis, do not eat coloring products, such as carrots or beets, as well as drink alcoholic beverages and coffee.

11. Test for COVID-19

2020 dictates its own rules, with which you have to come to terms. The test must be taken if symptoms appear (even mild) or inflammation was found on fluorography. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the earlier the treatment and isolation regimen will begin, which means that the lesions will be less severe and the spread of the virus will be reduced. In addition, it is sometimes necessary to get tested for covid without symptoms, for example, upon returning from an overseas trip.

The test for coronavirus is performed by the polymerase chain reaction method; a throat swab is required for the analysis. You must not eat, drink or smoke three hours before. PCR diagnostics helps to identify the disease in the early stages and is able to show whether there is a virus in the body right now, even if there are no symptoms or they are weak. But the antibody test shows the body's response to covid. You can also take it, but you need to know: the production of antibodies begins only 7-14 days after contact with the virus. In addition, they are stored in the body after recovery. Therefore, such diagnostics can give:

  • negative result if the pathogen COVID-19 has just entered the body;
  • a positive result in those who have had the disease sometime before.



In advance, you need to take care not only of health, but also that the treatment does not harm the wallet. Insurance policy "Individual protection" from "VSK Insurance House" will help to avoid financial losses. It compensates for the costs of long-term treatment, hospitalization and intensive care. After all, the payment is issued on the first day after the detection of the disease. The policy can be used for many health problems, including coronavirus. "Individual protection" gives you the opportunity to take a COVID test for free, receive a transcript of the results and a consultation from a doctor online, at any time of the day. To learn more
