Table of contents:

Contraception guide: how and how to protect yourself
Contraception guide: how and how to protect yourself

You probably didn't know about some of the ways to prevent pregnancy.

Contraception guide: how and how to protect yourself
Contraception guide: how and how to protect yourself

Contraception is a way to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Throughout the history of mankind, many of these methods have been invented: from the usual "as lucky" to the idea of being protected by dung from pets. Fortunately, methods of contraception have now been developed, from the description of which you do not want to faint.

How to choose contraception

Before choosing a method of contraception, you need to remember that safe sex is not one that does not lead to pregnancy, but one that prevents you from catching sexually transmitted infections, including HIV and hepatitis.

If you do not have a permanent partner, if you both do not know your HIV status (that is, there is no certificate), if you have a new partner, then you can only use condoms to protect yourself.

For those who have been in a relationship for a long time and do not forget to take tests or are fond of donation, the choice of contraception is much wider, and it is necessary to choose based on the effectiveness of the method.

  • The theoretical effectiveness shows how many women out of a hundred who used this method became pregnant within a year. Moreover, they applied this method ideally: according to the instructions.
  • Practical effectiveness shows how many women become pregnant in the real world, where even contraception cannot be used ideally. For example, partners don’t put on a condom on time, women miss pills or forget to go to the doctor to change the contraceptive on time.

We will show only data close to reality. The lower the number in the “effectiveness” clause in each method description, the better: this means that fewer women become pregnant using this remedy. Since the figures are slightly different in different sources, we indicate the maximum number of pregnancies - just in case.

And do not forget to consult with your doctor which method is right for you.

Hormonal methods

Many people know about hormonal contraception, but usually only pills are understood by it. But hormones can be delivered to the body in different ways.


Efficiency: 9

How does it work

The tablets contain a dose of hormones that create an artificial hormonal background that suppresses ovulation. The egg does not mature, so pregnancy cannot occur. Lifehacker has already written in detail about oral contraceptives.


Very high performance when used correctly.


The pills are expensive, especially the new ones and the safest ones, they have many contraindications and side effects. Due to a number of factors (drugs, illness, stress), the effectiveness of drugs decreases.


Efficiency: 6

How does it work

Just like pills, you only need to take hormones in the form of injections not every day, but every few weeks.


The same as for the pills, only you don't have to think about taking the drug every day.


The same as for the pills, plus you must often come to the clinic for a second injection.


Efficiency: 9

How does it work

The ring that contains the hormone dose must be inserted into the vagina and replaced once a month.


The same as for the pills, plus you don't have to think about the drug for a whole month.


It may be inconvenient to fit the ring, sometimes there is a feeling of a foreign body inside.


Efficiency: 9

How does it work

The hormone dose patch should be applied to the skin and changed once a week.


The same as for the pills, plus you do not need to remember about the drug every day.


It is not always convenient to walk with a band-aid, an unusual method.


Efficiency: 0.09

How does it work

An implant is implanted under the skin with a dose of hormones for three years.


Works effectively, you can forget about contraception for a long time.


The same as for the tablets, in addition, the place where the implant is inserted may become inflamed.

Barrier methods

Barrier methods create an obstacle in the way of sperm to the uterus. These are some of the most ancient methods of contraception, with varying effectiveness.

Male condoms

Efficiency: 18

How does it work

Before intercourse, a condom made of latex or other materials is put on the penis (they were invented for those who are allergic to latex). The condom retains sperm and creates a barrier for microbes that are transmitted with body fluids and through close contact.


Condoms are inexpensive and sold in any pharmacy or supermarket, they are effective, they have no contraindications, and they are easy to use. And this method of contraception best protects against sexually transmitted infections.


We must learn how to put them on. And the main thing is to convince your partner that “it’s not the right feeling with a condom” is a very bad excuse.

Female condoms

Efficiency: 21

How does it work

The principle is the same as for male condoms: there is a polyurethane tube, only female condoms have harder rings at the ends. It is necessary to install a latex bag in the vagina before sex, and remove it after intercourse.


Protect against STIs.


They are not convenient for everyone, they cause psychological discomfort.

Cervical caps and diaphragms

Efficiency: 12

How does it work

These are mini-versions of the female condom: they do not close the vagina, but only the cervix so that sperm cannot penetrate into it. The diaphragms are larger, the caps are smaller.


It is not necessary to install immediately before sex - it is possible earlier (a few hours).


At the beginning of use, it can be difficult to get comfortable with how to install and remove them. You need to consult a doctor to find the size, and the effectiveness of the method is low.


Efficiency: 18-36(the first number is for women who have not given birth, the second is for those who have given birth).

How does it work

A contraceptive sponge is a kind of cap made from a sponge soaked in spermicide. That is, the sponge simultaneously creates a barrier and reduces sperm activity.


Can be installed a few hours before sex.


Same as caps and diaphragms, plus possible spermicide allergy.


Efficiency: 28

How does it work

Spermicides are substances that close the entrance to the uterus and inhibit sperm activity, thereby reducing the likelihood of pregnancy. The active ingredients are different and depend on the specific drug. Available in different forms: candles, creams, aerosols.


Inexpensive, with few contraindications and side effects.


Sometimes they are inconvenient to use: for example, if you need to inject a spermicide for a certain time before intercourse, and this time cannot be calculated with accuracy. Sometimes they cause allergic reactions and discomfort in the partner.

Intrauterine devices

Intrauterine devices are exclusively a woman's business. The spirals can be installed at any age, after they are removed, there are no problems with pregnancy, but there is a practice in which nulliparous women and women under 25 years of age do not put spirals - they are afraid of complications.

Spirals with copper

Efficiency: 0.8

How does it work

A foreign body - a coil with copper - in the uterus causes a local inflammatory reaction and prevents the egg from implanting.


It is installed for a long time, does not interfere with everyday life, and is highly effective.


There are contraindications and side effects: irregular spotting appears, menstruation increases. Established only by a doctor.

Spirals with hormones

Efficiency: 0, 2

How does it work

A dose of hormones is added to the action of the spiral, this enhances the contraceptive effect of the spiral.


Very high reliability, long-lasting action.


There are contraindications, side effects from the installation, as is the case with a conventional spiral.

Cycle calculation methods

These methods of contraception are often practiced together in order to strengthen the others by the action of one. But even in such cases, these are not the most effective solutions.

Calendar method

Efficiency: 20

How does it work

To get pregnant, you need a mature egg, which is ready for conception within about a day. Therefore, if you calculate the time of ovulation, when the egg leaves the ovary, and do not have sex for several days before and after ovulation, then you will not be able to get pregnant.


The method does not require any costs, only a calendar is needed to keep track of the cycle.


This is an imprecise method. It can only work in women whose cycle is perfect and ovulation always occurs at the same time. And such women are not easy to find, especially since various factors - from stress to medications - can affect the cycle. Therefore, a woman can get pregnant on any day of the cycle.

Temperature measurements

Effectiveness in theory: 20

How it works

In fact, this is a calendar method, only with an additional measurement for fidelity. In theory, on the day of ovulation, the basal temperature rises sharply. That is, if for several months every morning without gaps to measure the temperature in the vagina or in the rectum, then on the day of ovulation, you can notice an increase.


The method is 20 rubles more expensive than the calendar method: you need to buy a thermometer.


It is necessary to measure the temperature for a very long time without gaps, and it is better immediately after waking up, without getting out from under the blanket. There are many factors to take into account, because the temperature rises not only due to ovulation. The method is time consuming, but also not very accurate.

Interrupted intercourse

Efficiency: 22

How it works

It is necessary to finish intercourse before the sperm enters the vagina. It's not really a contraception, because sperm is also contained in the lubricant.




All the time you need to worry about whether you can interrupt sex at the most interesting place, and then worry whether this time has passed or not.


Sterilization is a surgical procedure after which children cannot be naturally born at all. Since there are no absolute numbers in medicine, a ghostly chance remains, but it is just ghostly (in case of an error in the procedure, for example).

In Russia, there is a restriction on sterilization: only people over 35 with two children can do it.


Efficiency: 0.5

How does it work

During the operation, the fallopian tubes are ligated or removed, so that the egg from the ovary does not enter the tube or uterus.


Highly effective, lifelong contraception.


Surgical intervention, conceiving a child after the procedure is possible only with the help of IVF.


Efficiency: 0.15

How does it work

During the operation, the surgeon ligates or partially removes the vas deferens, so sperm does not enter the ejaculate.


High efficiency, no side effects and contraindications, does not require attention for the rest of your life.


Surgical intervention, you cannot change your mind and conceive a child.

Traditional methods

Numerous remedies, such as lemon juice or any other juice douche, may have mild spermicidal effects, but their effectiveness tends to be nil. But unpleasant consequences in the form of inflammation, allergic reactions and discomfort are guaranteed to you.
