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5 common misconceptions about good nutrition
5 common misconceptions about good nutrition

It's time to end popular myths about fast food, fatty foods, and high protein foods.

5 common misconceptions about good nutrition
5 common misconceptions about good nutrition

1. Calories from fast food can simply be burned

Many people eat fatty and unhealthy foods, justifying this by the fact that they will subsequently burn the calories they gain in the gym. But it’s not that simple. It is not only the number of calories that is important, but also the quality of the food. For example, research shows that regular consumption of processed foods increases the risk of developing autoimmune diseases.

When you exercise hard to burn calories, your body is put under additional stress. In such a situation, the body especially requires nutrients to recover. Therefore, attempts to compensate for the fast food eaten by exercising in the gym can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous.

2. Protein is not superfluous

Those who monitor their diet usually try to limit their carbohydrate intake. Protein, on the other hand, is considered very useful.

However, don't eat too many high-protein foods. Its excess in the body can contribute to both weight loss and weight gain. Try to maintain balance. Eat protein-rich foods with every meal, but don't overdo it.

3. Fat is harmful in any form

Contrary to popular belief, eating high-fat foods isn't necessarily bad for your figure. Vegetable fats, which are rich in, such as avocados, nuts and olive oil, are good for the body in small amounts and may even contribute to weight loss by speeding up the metabolism.

4. Because of sugar, fruits and berries are as bad as sweets

In pursuit of an ideal figure, some refuse to eat fruits and berries, as they contain sugar. However, Harvard researchers found that fruits are more likely to promote weight loss. Consuming them in reasonable amounts is beneficial for your health: they are loaded with nutrients and help maintain water balance. In addition, they contain relatively little sugar. So, for 100 g of strawberries there is only 7 g of sugar. While one tablespoon of maple syrup is 13 g.

5. You can not eat after playing sports

Eating food after exercise doesn't make it useless. On the contrary, after physical exertion, the body needs nutrients to recover. But don't overeat and stay hydrated.
