Table of contents:

10 little-known Trello features to help you speed up
10 little-known Trello features to help you speed up

Formatting, connecting cards, importing tables and other useful features.

10 little-known Trello features to help you get things done faster
10 little-known Trello features to help you get things done faster

1. Create new cards anywhere

Trello project management system: create new cards anywhere
Trello project management system: create new cards anywhere

Usually we create cards using the "Add another card" button or through the board menu "Add card". But there is another way that allows you to create an element not only at the end or beginning of the board, but also anywhere in the list. To do this, you just need to double-click between the two cards where you want to insert a new one.

2. Changing the location of cards when creating

Trello project management system: changing the position of cards when creating
Trello project management system: changing the position of cards when creating

When there are too many items on the board, it can be awkward to scroll through them to find the position you want. Instead, when adding, it is worth adding to the name the symbol ^ with the position number in the list, and the card will be automatically added at the specified location.

Trello project management system: changing the position of cards when creating
Trello project management system: changing the position of cards when creating

For example, "Test ^ 2" will create a card in the second position of the selected board. Instead of the position number, you can write T or B to add up or down the list respectively.

Trello project management system: changing the position of cards when creating
Trello project management system: changing the position of cards when creating

In the same way, you can move cards not only to the desired place in the list, but also to other boards. To do this, just start writing the name of the board you want after the symbol ^.

3. View the number of cards on the boards

Trello project management system: view the number of cards on boards
Trello project management system: view the number of cards on boards

By default, Trello does not display this information in lists. However, if you press F and enter the symbol $, a counter will appear above each board, which will show how many cards there are.

4. Receiving notifications about actions with cards

Trello project management system: receive notifications of card activity
Trello project management system: receive notifications of card activity

To quickly learn about all important changes, use the subscription function. To do this, open the required card and click "Subscribe". Now you know immediately when someone adds a comment, moves, or zips a task.

5. Drag and drop cards

Trello project management system: drag and drop cards
Trello project management system: drag and drop cards

Trello supports drag-and-drop for various elements, and using this, you can significantly speed up your work with cards. Links, images, files - when you drag them to the card, all of this will immediately be added to it.

Trello project management system: drag and drop cards
Trello project management system: drag and drop cards

It also works with the cards themselves. By dragging them between days on the calendar (Menu โ†’ Improvements โ†’ Calendar โ†’ Add), you can quickly change the assigned dates of tasks.

6. Attaching cards to each other

Trello project management system: attaching cards to each other
Trello project management system: attaching cards to each other

As attachments to cards, you can attach not only links and files, but also other cards. This is useful, for example, when you work with two related tasks and switch between them frequently.

To link to a card, copy its link through the "Share" menu, then open the second card, click the "Attachment" button and paste the link there. Now a preview will appear in the attachments section and you can go to the corresponding element in one click. If you then click "Connect cards", they will link up and you can quickly switch between them.

7. Import of long lists from tables


To quickly create long checklists, you can simply copy them from Excel spreadsheets and Google Docs. After insertion, all cells of the selection will automatically turn into separate list items.

To do this, simply copy the required data range from the table, click "Add item" in the checklist, and then paste the information from the clipboard there and click the "Add" button.

8. Formatting text

Trello project management system: text formatting
Trello project management system: text formatting

Trello supports Markdown, which means you can use rich text in your card descriptions for better readability. The Markdown syntax is very simple, and if you don't already know it, it's time to learn and use this wonderful markdown language.

9. Quick add to cards

You can join the task through the add participants menu, but there is a much faster and easier way. To add yourself to a card, just hover over it and press the spacebar. After that, your avatar will appear on the card and you will receive all notifications.

10. Using hot keys

Trello project management system: using keyboard shortcuts
Trello project management system: using keyboard shortcuts

Like any other cool service, Trello has tons of hotkeys that make your work faster and easier. Here are some of the most useful ones:

  • / - go to the search field;
  • C - archiving the card;
  • D - appointment of a term;
  • Q - display of all cards with your participation;
  • S - subscribing or canceling a subscription to a card.

The rest of the shortcuts can be viewed at this link.
