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How to start running: the complete beginner's guide
How to start running: the complete beginner's guide

We increase your chances of falling in love with this sport.

How to start running: the complete beginner's guide
How to start running: the complete beginner's guide

Start by walking

If the last time you ran at school, and then reluctantly, one flight of stairs causes shortness of breath or if there is a lot of excess weight, it is better to start with walking.

Aim to walk 10,000 steps every day for at least a week. It's just a figure, but it's better to be guided by something: it's easier to start this way.

Every kilometer you run improves your fitness and prepares you for your first run. If you lead an active lifestyle and walk a lot, you can immediately start running training.

Alternate running and walking

Artyom Kuftyrev, master of sports in athletics and trainer, says that many beginners perceive running as a rapid overcoming of a distance, so they quickly fizzle out.


Artyom Kuftyrev Master of Sports in track and field athletics, marathon runner, founder of the Instarun running school

On the first run, beginners are frightened by new sensations: the pulse and breathing rhythm increase, the pressure and blood circulation increase, perhaps, somewhere, something pricks out of habit. The body is trying to adapt to the new mode of operation, but this takes time. If you endure a little, it will work in and it will be easier for you. But this is only if you have chosen an adequate pace for yourself initially!

Give your body a chance to adapt: Start slowly. Here's an example of a beginner's alternating run and walk workout from our expert.

Set a timer and run for 3 minutes, then move to a walk for the next 2 minutes - this is one series. There are six of them to do, which will take you 30 minutes.

That being said, remember that three minutes of running is not a full-blown sprint. You won't last long this way. Your running pace should be comfortable.


Artyom Kuftyrev Master of Sports in track and field athletics, marathon runner, founder of the Instarun running school

To stay at the right pace, use a simple rule: you must maintain the ability to conduct continuous dialogue while running. This tempo is also called colloquial.

It is often advised to run with an eye to your heart rate, but if you do not have a chest heart rate monitor, it will be of little use. Fitness bracelets and watches very roughly determine the heart rate and give huge errors.

Moreover, Artyom claims that the numbers may differ depending on the specific person and at first it is better to focus on their feelings.

If you are unable to maintain your speaking pace for three minutes, reduce your running time. For example, you can run for 2 minutes and walk for 3 minutes, or run for 1 minute and walk the remaining 4 minutes.

Exercise regularly and increase the time

For a quick adaptation of the body, regular stress and recovery time are needed.


Artyom Kuftyrev Master of Sports in track and field athletics, marathon runner, founder of the Instarun running school

The most effective increase in fitness is seen in runners who exercise 3-4 times a week. If you arrange workouts every other day, then in two weeks you will complete them seven. This rhythm will allow you to have time to recover and not lose your skill.

At the same time, for progress, you need to gradually increase the running time. If 3 minutes of running and 2 minutes of walking feel comfortable, use the following plan:

  • Week 1: 3 minutes of running, 2 minutes of walking - 6 series (30 minutes).
  • 2 week: 4 minutes of running, 2 minutes of walking - 5 series (30 minutes).
  • 3 week: 5 minutes of running, 2 minutes of walking - 4-5 series (28-35 minutes).
  • 4 week: 5 minutes of running, 1 minute of walking - 5 series (30 minutes).
  • 5 week: full 30 minutes of running without walking.
  • 6 week: 35 minutes of running.
  • 7 week: 40 minutes of running.
  • 8 week: 45 minutes of running.

If you feel very tired before completing your workout according to plan, then you have either taken too high a pace or have been running for too long.

Roll back and repeat the previous week one more time, and then try again. And in no case do not quit under the pretext: "After all, running is not mine." You just need more time to adapt.

If you continue, you have already won.

Always warm up well before exercising

Always warm up your joints before jogging.


Artyom Kuftyrev Master of Sports in track and field athletics, marathon runner, founder of the Instarun running school

Warm-up exercises activate the basic motor units of your body and ensure optimal distribution of synovial fluid in the joints, which improves their glide and mobility.

In the video, Artyom Kuftyrev shows a short warm-up that needs to be part of your workout. This is especially important for those who run in the morning, when the body is rather stiff and rigid. Do the exercises smoothly, without sudden movements.

Cool down after exercise

Artyom says that the workout can be finished with dynamic or static stretching. Which one depends on your goals:

  • If you're not going to do anything after your run, choose static stretching.
  • If you want to end your run with a circular strength training or jumping exercise, do a dynamic stretch. This is a set of multi-joint exercises that will help you flex your body more thoroughly, prepare it for other movements, and reduce the risk of injury.

How to do static stretching

Static stretching is when you take a certain position in which the muscles are stretched, and hold it for a while. It will help to relax the main muscle groups that have been working during the run. In the video below, our expert shows a set of stretching exercises after a run.

Hold each position for 45-60 seconds, stretch without fanaticism (pain should be minimal).

How to do dynamic stretching

Dynamic stretching is a set of multi-joint exercises that help you stretch your muscles more thoroughly. It will help you avoid injury while performing intense movements. In the video below, Artyom shows how to properly carry out dynamic stretching.

Unfortunately, not only beginners, but also those who gave themselves a second chance to become a runner after the first failure, ignore the warm-up and cool-down, arguing this because of the lack of time.

Do not skip warm-ups and cool-downs: this is just as important a part of your workout as the running itself.

Monitor your body position

The quality of running depends not only on how fast you move your legs, but also on the work of all other parts of the body.

Remember a few simple technical details that you can fix yourself:

  • Sightdirect forward, do not look at your feet.
  • Shouldersyou need to relax. Many runners strain them, which causes physical fatigue and slows down the pace. If you feel that your shoulders are tense, just shake your hands and try to relax them.
  • Handsshould move back and forth like a swing. Do not spread your elbows to the sides, bend them at right angles, bring your hands into a fist, but do not squeeze them with all your might.
  • Feet should be placed under the center of gravity, not in front of the body. True, this is quite difficult to track (unless you ask to be recorded on video and analyze your technique).

It is also very important to learn how to relax your body while running.


Artyom Kuftyrev Master of Sports in track and field athletics, marathon runner, founder of the Instarun running school

Most often, beginner athletes have excessive tension throughout the body. This interferes with both normal blood flow and the overall perception of running. In addition, tension greatly restricts the mechanics of movements and entails various inflammations and pains in the legs. Therefore, the main advice: learn to relax while running!

If you want to do a technique, find a trainer. If you are going to cope on your own, be sure to read about the technical aspects.

Add strength training

Artyom Kuftyrev says that, in addition to jogging, it is important to supplement your workouts with strength complexes to strengthen muscles. Such exercises will help relieve stress on joints and ligaments in the future, which is especially important for overweight people.

At the same time, you do not need to buy a gym membership: exercises with your body weight are quite suitable. Get 2-3 strength training sessions per week. You can do this on jogging days or right after a run.

Monitor your condition

Artyom says that many novice runners complain of aching knee pains. More often than not, this is just an adaptation discomfort that goes away within an hour after a workout or even earlier. It is not worth worrying about and quitting jogging because of this.

But you cannot completely ignore the pain sensations: sometimes they can be a sign of serious problems.

If the pain in the joint area is acute, growing, throbbing and it does not go away with exertion within three days, it is worth contacting a surgeon.

In addition to joint pain, runners often experience muscle cramps. This happens most often to the muscles on the back of the thigh and is not dangerous if you react quickly.


Artyom Kuftyrev Master of Sports in track and field athletics, marathon runner, founder of the Instarun running school

As soon as a spasm has formed, it is necessary to slowly and smoothly stretch the muscle in a reverse motion, and then gently massage it.

Add variety

Every athlete periodically loses inspiration, and running becomes boring. What to do? Find different ways to diversify your activities. I am glad that there are quite a lot of these methods, so that everyone can choose the one that suits him specifically.

Listen to the music

Collect a playlist of your favorite tracks and enjoy the audio. The main thing is to remember that we unconsciously adjust our pace to the rhythm of the music, so either watch yourself or choose special playlists for runners taking into account cadence.

If you are not satisfied with the music, you can listen to your favorite podcasts or audiobooks.

Find like-minded people

If you're bored with jogging alone, find friends who are willing to support your athletic endeavors, or join a running club.

Training will become more fun, and responsibility will appear. You can hardly find 101 excuses why you should stay in a warm bed at six in the morning and not go running if your friends are already waiting for you on the street.

Keep a running diary

This is an option for those who like to keep diaries and study statistics. Keeping track of your progress and learning about the processes and circumstances that affect your running performance can be a challenge for you.

By analyzing the records, you will be able to draw the appropriate conclusions and make adjustments necessary to improve the results. Special running apps or entire social health networks can help with this.

Remember it's never too late to start

Nobody requires you to sprint speed or ultramarathon endurance. The main thing is that your workouts are safe, healthy and enjoyable. Everything else is secondary.
