Yogic sleep from stress
Yogic sleep from stress

The endless stream of tasks drives you crazy, and still far from vacation? Even at home after work, you can't sit down for a minute, and you have very little time to sleep? Or maybe you sleep for a long time, but from the very morning you feel that you are tired? You need to relax! And yoga will help with this.

Yogic sleep from stress
Yogic sleep from stress

Even if you are used to ignoring stress, sooner or later it will still make itself felt. Frequent colds, heartburn, tremors, cold, damp hands and feet, memory impairment, fatigue and apathy can all be the result of accumulated stress. When it comes to symptoms like this, getting enough sleep may not be enough or even impossible.

No one has immunity to stress. However, you can learn to resist it in order to live a fulfilling, happy life. Yogic sleep, or yoga nidra, will help you with this.


The only asana that you have to master is shavasana.

yoga nidra
yoga nidra

Despite the apparent simplicity, there are subtleties here.

  • Do not press your hands to your body: open your chest, turn your palms up and relax your shoulders, while your hands will lie at some distance from the body.
  • Do not strain your stomach and buttocks, breathe deeply and calmly.
  • Pay special attention to the face: eyes, forehead, lips, chin should be relaxed.

The easiest way to do yoga nidra practice with the help of a leader. You can sign up for a lesson at the yoga center or download it from the RealYoga website, with which you can practice wherever and whenever you want.

In any case, do not forget about the right attitude. If 30 minutes is a lot for you, practice 15 minutes. If you cannot relax, do not force yourself, postpone the practice for a couple of hours.

Additional Tips

  • Don't forget to turn off the ringer on your phone. The world will not collapse without you in 15 minutes.
  • In yoga nidra there is no purpose to become like the yogis who lie on nails. If you're feeling rough, put on a blanket.
  • For quality relaxation, you need to take the most comfortable position. Use bolsters or small pillows to lift your knees, lower back, and neck.
  • Ideally, of course, you should lie down in savasana on the rug. But even in the office or in the car, you can recline the back of your chair and relax while listening to audio recordings - at least something!

The only thing to avoid is falling asleep. You should not be fooled by the name of the practice: you must remain conscious throughout the yogic sleep. Although, once you learn to consciously relax, falling asleep in the evenings will become much easier.
