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7 reasons not to wait for the New Year to start a new life
7 reasons not to wait for the New Year to start a new life

Don't put too much emphasis on holiday promises: there are no miracles.

7 reasons not to wait for the New Year to start a new life
7 reasons not to wait for the New Year to start a new life

1. You will save a lot of time

By putting your goals aside, you are wasting valuable time that could be put to good use. Imagine: you decide to start going to the gym on January 1st. And it's October. Is it really worth the wait for more than two months?

During this period, with due diligence, you can lose a little weight and get some shape.

The already achieved results motivate much more than just optimistic expectations and belief in a bright future.

2. You don't have to wait for a round date

All of us - as it has become a tradition since childhood - treat the New Year as a special holiday, during which the most cherished desires are made and fulfilled. But tinsel and confetti aside, this is the same day as all the other 364s.

So why wait until a certain date to start doing something? Why is January 1st better than any other day of the year? Nothing but fireworks and Olivier salad.

3. You will become more disciplined

Making a “New Year's” promise to yourself is easy, because you still have to live to see this day. By deciding to start doing something on a certain date, we are essentially giving ourselves permission to be lazy until then.

This is a bad habit because it kills our discipline and organization. A kind of sophisticated procrastination, when we say to ourselves not even "I'll do it tomorrow", but "I'll start doing it from the new year." Therefore, do not give yourself unnecessary indulgences. If you want something, start working on it now.

4. You will set more realistic goals

In anticipation of the New Year, people are overly optimistic and inclined to grandiose plans. We create long lists of important things - lose weight, quit smoking, save more money, double your income … Apparently, this is the effect of the pre-holiday atmosphere (or champagne).

But in reality, New Year's wishes are not fulfilled so often.

New Year's is not the best time to plan. Therefore, set aside some weekday for this, when the holiday euphoria does not turn your head. And don't try to change your life overnight: you won't succeed. Only gradual work on yourself will lead you to the desired results. It's trite, but it just so happened.

5. You will experience less frustration

You have definitely decided to change your life from the New Year. You have set the bar high for yourself. You have embarked on your dream with all your zeal. And … you didn't succeed, and January is over.

A subscription to the gym has not been bought, bad habits are still with you, the most important project has not been started. This happens, especially if the celebration is delayed. You are upset, frustrated, and beat yourself up for your lack of will.

Do you really have to wait for the next New Year now, then, for sure, to do everything right?

You don't have to tie your intentions to specific dates. This way you don't have to worry about missing the moment. Because, as we said, New Year is no different from all other days.

6. You will not feel pressure from others

In the midst of the New Year's feast, you solemnly vowed in front of all your relatives and friends that tomorrow you will become a different person. Winter is coming to an end, and you are still the same. People around you begin to giggle, lowering your already fallen self-esteem.

But if you promise yourself something right now without telling anyone, try and fail - who's to blame you? Nobody. The less you worry about other people's expectations, the better you will feel.

7. Statistics will be on your side

And finally, some scientific observations. Back in 2007, psychologist Richard Wiseman from the University of Bristol interviewed the New Year's Resolutions Project of 3,000 people who promised themselves to start changing their lives for the better from the New Year. And only 12% of them fulfilled their plans.

And another work, How to Keep New Year's Resolutions, published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology at the University of Scranton in 2018, showed that 30% of those who made New Year's promises abandon them in the second week of January.

See? No New Year's magic.

So don't be fooled. The New Year itself will not fulfill your wishes if you do nothing. And if you are determined to act, then it is better to start now and not wait for the weather by the sea.
